Christine White

P.Eng., CFP®
Money Coaches Canada
Areas of Specialty: Budget and cash flow planning, Financial education, Pre-Retirement planning, Planning through transitions (divorce, loss of spouse / partner, career change)

Christine’s interest in financial planning began in her personal life. She and her husband were managing their finances well enough; however, they never really had a focused plan. Every so often Christine would find her mind spinning, wondering if they would ultimately have enough. She also knew many smart and accomplished people who were struggling with daily money management, refinancing houses for “stuff” that once seemed important, and accepting debt as an inescapable fact of life.

There had to be another way, but Christine had no idea where to turn for honest, unbiased advice. So she proceeded alone. The more she learned about creating personal financial peace, the more she was inspired to give the same power to others.

At the time, Christine had been working for over 10 years as a chemical engineer, and was constantly searching for a more satisfying way to improve people’s lives. Having a thirst for the most relevant and recent methods of financial education, she completed training as a money coach and never looked back. She now experiences pure enjoyment witnessing her clients’ successes, and truly believes that financial serenity is achievable for everyone.